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Mar 07, 2025
3 min read

Mongoose Query Methods: Complete Guide with Examples

Learn Mongoose query methods like deleteMany, find, updateOne, and more. Practical examples for MongoDB operations. Boost your Node.js skills today.

Master MongoDB operations using Mongoose, the popular Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for Node.js. This guide covers 15 essential query methods with real-world examples to help you interact with databases efficiently.

1. deleteMany()

Delete multiple documents matching criteria.

await BlogPost.deleteMany({ status: 'draft' });

Use case: Bulk-clean outdated records.

2. deleteOne()

Remove first matching document.

await User.deleteOne({ email: '' });

Tip: Safer than deleteMany for single document removal.

3. find()

Retrieve multiple documents with filtering.

const activeUsers = await User.find({ isActive: true });

Pro tip: Chain .limit(10) for pagination.

4. findById()

Fetch single document using ID.

const post = await BlogPost.findById('5f8d0d55b54764421b4396e8');

Essential for: Single resource retrieval.

5. findByIdAndDelete()

Find by ID and delete in one operation.

const deletedItem = await Product.findByIdAndDelete(productId);

Returns: The deleted document.

6. findByIdAndRemove()

Legacy method similar to findByIdAndDelete.

const removedUser = await User.findByIdAndRemove(userId);

Note: Prefer findByIdAndDelete for new projects.

7. findByIdAndUpdate()

Update document by ID with options.

const updatedPost = await BlogPost.findByIdAndUpdate(
  { $set: { title: 'New Title' } },
  { new: true }

Key option: { new: true } returns updated document.

8. findOne()

Get first matching document.

const admin = await User.findOne({ role: 'admin' });

Use case: Unique field lookups (email, username).

9. findOneAndDelete()

Find and delete first match.

const deletedComment = await Comment.findOneAndDelete({
  spam: true

Ideal for: Conditional single deletions.

10. findOneAndReplace()

Replace entire document.

const replacedDoc = await Profile.findOneAndReplace(
  { userId: '123' },

Warning: Replaces all fields except _id.

11. findOneAndUpdate()

Update specific fields in first match.

const updatedOrder = await Order.findOneAndUpdate(
  { status: 'pending' },
  { $set: { status: 'processed' } },
  { returnDocument: 'after' }

Best practice: Use $set operator for partial updates.

12. replaceOne()

Replace first matching document.

await Product.replaceOne(
  { sku: 'OLD123' },

Difference from update: Replaces entire document.

13. updateMany()

Bulk update documents.

await User.updateMany(
  { lastLogin: { $lt: '2023-01-01' } },
  { $set: { status: 'inactive' } }

Caution: Always test with find() first.

14. updateOne()

Update first matching document.

await Post.updateOne(
  { slug: 'old-post' },
  { $set: { slug: 'new-post' } }

Safer than: updateMany for single document edits.

Best Practices for Mongoose Queries

  1. Always validate input before database operations
  2. Use transactions for critical operations
  3. Index frequently queried fields
  4. Handle errors with try/catch blocks
  5. Sanitize user input to prevent NoSQL injection